They begged him to let them touch even the edge of his cloak, and all who touched it were healed. (Mark 6:56)
Can this happen today? It can, if we re-define ‘healing’ as ‘the start of healing’ or simply ‘enjoying the experience of thriving’.
I ought to say I believe what Mark is reporting: people reached out to Jesus with a whole GP’s surgery of stuff (rashes, cataracts, cancers, anxieties, fears, depression, strokes, diabetes, whatever) and emerged, blinking, stretching, smiling and completely well. But I believe this is exceptional, perhaps because Jesus’ healings were doing double duty both as acts of mercy and as signs of the Kingdom.
In the context of what I am calling ‘slow healing’, though, I believe everyone can encounter Christ and begin to thrive. The thriving is healing’s germination. How much physical healing happens now and how much is deferred to eternity is of course rather important to us, but it is secondary in the grand scheme.
The grand scheme is:
- Encounter Christ
- Thrive in his goodness in this life and the next
- Receive downpayments of physical and relational wellness in this life
- Ultimately be completely whole, physically and relationally.
All who touched him were healed. Still true today?