Jamie Smith discovers his soul.
Then he wonders what to do with it.
(1st comic novel in the series)

Paradise — a divine comedy is a disorderly romp through death, life, dodgy restaurants and redemption.
Jamie Smith, web designer and curry-lover, meets Keziah Mordant, death-wishing criminal lawyer, head on, at 140mph, on a crowded road.
Entering the afterlife together, Jamie and Keziah are captured and sold to evil spirits who set them up in an artificial Paradise, guinea pigs for a trial of new Satanic enslavement products.
Back on earth, Jamie and Keziah are not dead, merely persistently vegetative. As doctors fight to revive them, the demons hurry to rush their product to market.
Meanwhile, in the afterlife, Jamie is counseled by a serpent with a personality disorder and hounded by memories of his lovelorn ex-girlfriend Caroline, while he slowly comes to face a worse nightmare than death, demons, or even an eternity with Keziah: his own soul.
- A comic novel about intimacy, with God and people, how we both long for it and flee from it.
- A parable of repentance
- Glenn Myers is the prize-winning author of many books of fiction and non-fiction, with translations into many languages.
I won this book from the site and absolutely loved it. A hysterical surrealist take on what is out there after life on earth, or next to life on earth, or simultaneous with life on earth, or whatever. A story of Gods in kilts, crystal clear memories, and walls made of our pixelated fears. Delightful. Jeannette M, Goodreads
I also won Paradise in the goodreads competition…and I am really glad that I did … Sometimes you want to hit the main character on the back of the head and tell him to stop being a wuss, but how would you react if you had to build a paradise controlled by some used-car-salesman-style gods? If you like quirky and surreal stories about the afterlife, then I would highly recommend Paradise. Katie Webb, Goodreads
A superb rollercoaster of a story; loved every minute! Phil Groom of the Christian Bookshops Blog
So hilariously funny! I’ve already started reading the next one. I would highly recommend this to just about anyone.‘ Stewartc85 on Goodreads
Myers is a great writer and his style is terrific… this was a great book Martin Gibbs Amazon.com, Goodreads.
What a great book! Loved the characters, the creativity, the dialogue, the imaginative idea of evil spirits keeping humans as pets …. There is much to think about beyond the story itself and the book gives a delightfully comic but definitely insightful look into the human psyche and soul … Susan Sutton, author
Loved the plot, the characters, the dialogue, the pace, the suspense, the surprises, the imagery, the metaphors, the depth, and the meaning. And I laughed a lot. It is really wonderful. Kenny Parker, Amazon
Just read “Paradise” by Glenn Myers. Outstanding! A modern take on Danté that approaches C.S. Lewis in its joyful, inventive, insightful allegory. Strongly recommended to reading friends.Stephen March
… The fact that Jamie remains thoroughly likeable despite (or because of) his self-absorption, his gluttony, his escapism and cowardice, is a masterstroke. We can get into his mind and identify with him (especially if we like cricket). Very witty portrayal – running jokes on Afghan food work well. His ‘figments’ tell us more of his character too. I loved the way he retreats into the lighthouse to re-run the Ashes etc after big stress points.
The dialogue is slick, witty and true to life. Especially when each character is caught in his/her own focus, not really listening to the other … Jamie’s inability to refrain from wise cracks, and Keziah’s or Caroline’s withering responses are priceless.
It was a good read. Thoroughly enjoyable. Made me laugh. Made me think. (Paul H)
- A comic novel about intimacy, with God and people, how we both long for it and flee from it.
- A parable of repentance.
- Glenn Myers is the prize-winning author of 17 books of fiction and non-fiction, with translations into six languages. See GlennMyers.info.
‘Hitchhikers Guide meets Screwtape meets Pilgrims Progress meets the Discworld!’ (Phil G)
The most thought-provoking read I’ve had for a long time!
My challenge … is how to stop my brain working overtime as it tries to tie up all the theological loose ends …
(Hugh O.)
Thanks for letting me read through Paradise. As you so rightly said, it would probably not be the kind of book I would normally pick up to read. Nor would the average person of my age read it – I can imagine the reactions of one or two of my friends – but you have a very different generation in mind. Yet I have enjoyed reading it.
You described it as comic fantasy, and it’s certainly that and you’ve maintained it really well throughout. It’s quirky, humorous and imaginative … the closing encounter between Jamie and Keziah and their conversation … if the reader really thinks about it, [bring] in much deeper issues than appear on the surface.
(Daphne S.)
I have just finished reading your novel. It is utterly marvellous. Very subversive … I loved the humour, the witticisms … I like the use of the concept of an afterlife starting off in a kind of waiting room at least for those souls who are not quite dead. It allows a good deal of fun. Osama becoming a target for Jamie’s anger management had me in uncontrollable laughter. Your portrayal of the demons was simply delicious. The golden rain was a lovely touch for getting (God’s) grace in: toxic to demons but healing for humans. The ‘salvation’ of Keziah and Jamie’s role in it were beautiful. (Cy W.)
I started reading before lunch and read right through till gone 5pm when I’d finished and realised that I’d got no work done. Needless to say I enjoyed it! Wonderfully descriptive and exciting (Andrew W.)
I enjoyed the tone of the piece a lot. The light comic touch was handled skilfully and confidently … The style had shades of authors like Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchett and Jasper Fforde, all of whom use a comic touch for more than just whimsy. This is a tricky thing to achieve, allowing the comic and serious themes to complement each other.
I liked the growing realisation that all was not well in Jamie’s garden. The intervention of his sister and his subsequent attempts to get back to his body worked well. I found the action outside of Jamie’s bubble convincing and unsettling … The contrast between Jamie’s and Keziah’s worlds and activities was handled well. I liked the way they mirrored their attitudes and responses to their predicament.
The spirits also carried an air of threat to them covered over by a veneer of good humour … There was something of the Walrus and the Carpenter about them.
I liked the post-modernist themes that began to emerge as the spirits’ intentions became clearer … I found Jamie and Keziah’s conversation at the end powerful and clear.
The author profile I compiled as I read was one that I warmed to. I felt that I was in good hands and was being taken on a journey by a guide I could trust. There was a sense of integrity to the work and commitment to it on your part.
(Corin R)