Home page for Glennmyers.info, slowmission.com and my publishing imprint fizz-books.com
I discovered something.
Spice. Zest. Flavouring. The smell of coffee. Every organization or community or person needs it.
Kings have jesters. Newspapers have columnists. Our communities have artists, comics, novelists, playwrights and musicians. Even though they’re often wrong and not experts, they amuse, prod, unsettle.
The people who actually do the work in this life then go on and do it better.
In the office with my pet pterodactyl
I discovered I was one of these creatives, that it was OK, and that sometimes it even helped people.
My specialist subject is the fizzing space between faith and reality, between the sublime and the small, the ordinary, the disappointing, the bad, the covered-up, and the completely nuts.
This is the happiest possible space for a writer, and I like it here.
Near death, and slowing down ● Novels ● Discipleship for those of us who are not very good ● Blog
Near death, and slowing down
Two books about living a slower, richer life
In 2013 I was on a ventilator and in a coma for four weeks, with respiratory distress, just like the most serious Covid patients of 2020 (though I didn’t have Covid of course). It took me about two years to recover. This was my third near-death experience in six years. Traumatic as that all was, I ended up in a much more fulfilled, happy and purposeful place. I started blogging about my new slow life, and I wrote these two books, Bread and More than Bananas so that you can discover what I learnt without all the bother of tracheotomies, paralysis and wheelchairs.
The best-selling More than Bananas is free on Amazon, Apple, Kobo and Barnes & Noble, with the hope that you get addicted and buy the next two books in the series, Bread and The Sandwich.
Three comic fantasy novels about the world behind the world
Paradise ● The Wheels of the World ● The Sump of Lost Dreams
Unseen, behind our world, is an invisible realm filled with spiritual life, some of it intelligent, some of stupid, much of it dangerous. Human souls —our human souls –crowd there too. Spiritual weather washes over us, obsessions entangle us, evil spirits try to herd us. We try to browse on soul-food. Evil beasts try to munch on us. It’s a world none of us see, but all of us live in.
If you think about it, this explains a lot about our inner lives. And it brings up questions we’d rather not ask: What am I for? How do I change? Can I get out of here?
Fortunately, some people learn how to commute between this world and our world of flesh and bone.
Unfortunately, you need a near-death experience to do this.
Fortunately, food-loving but chauvinistic web-designer Jamie Smith and prickly defence lawyer Keziah Mordant managed to give each other a near-death experience, by crashing their cars into each other.
Then their adventures really start. Their souls have been captured by demons preparing for a sales conference, and they are being counselled by a snake with serious issues. Can Keziah overcome her loathing for Jamie? Will Jamie stop re-living fantasies and do something constructive? Will they get their act together in the face of the spiritual forces ranged against them? Don’t bet on it.
There are three novels in the series. Each can be read on its own, so you aren’t left dangling at the end.
Borrowing my sales technique from drug dealers, the first hit is free. Paradise dwelt on a bestseller list in a cobwebbed and lonely corner of Amazon for some years, until I made some changes and Amazon changed its price from zero to something, which was unfortunate. Until I fix this, you can still claim a free copy here, though I would also argue, the Amazon version is definitely worth your £2.50. I mean, in the grand scheme of things…
After that, the further doses, The Wheels of the World and the Sump of Lost Dreams, will each involve you parting with a mere £1.99. Or you can buy the paperback versions.
The Sandwich
Discipleship for those of us who aren’t very good
Wicked sense of humour and astounding craftsmanship. … Writing that refreshes. That’s what Glenn Myers does with glee. Andrew Goh, Executive Editor, Impact magazine.
The Christian life is mostly like being a sandwich filling. Pressing down from above? The promises of God. Squeezing us from below? Life. Here’s a guide:
· Hearing wrongly from God
· Shallowness, and how to get there
· The art of prayerlessness
· Learning good sense from the minds of small children
· The shortage of spiritual heroes
· The biggest failure in the Bible
And much else, Romance, bad luck, bad luck in romance, finding yourself in the wrong church, child-rearing, and facing chronic illness – all can make God seem far away and the Christian faith unreal. Or they can be the stuff from which hope and character are built.
Welcome to the sandwich. Originally a set of magazine articles, The Sandwich is a refreshing set of discipleship articles for those of us who don’t quite do it right.
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Published 19 Feb 2021 Downloadable onto your phone, kindle or other device. Though not your fridge obviously. Or in beautiful paperback. |
I’ve put several of these chapters in my blog, so you can get a free sneak peek by clicking on this unobtrusive button just here:
My blog is currently one minute’s reading, written when I feel like it.
Start with two simple ideas:
- The Christian faith is revolutionary.
- It’s kind of slow.
And we need to embrace both.
Here’s a list of recent blogs.
- Slowness and labour-saving devices
- Community can heal
- ‘The cultural mood might just be shifting’
- Unpolitics
- Why not me?
And some favourites:
- On finding your first love … again
- When the clouds return after the rain
- The theology of time invariance
- My favourite slow mission habit of them all
- The fractal God
- Swing low, sweet chariot
- Entropy, miracles and the Kingdom of God
There’s also a huge archive of around five years’ entries which you are more than welcome to dig around in. For some of my recent non-fiction, the blog entries have become my mise en place (I think that’s the phrase, when you get everything out for a meal before starting to cook it) from which I assemble the book.