100 Days
This book enables you to pray in an informed way for the entire world in 100 days (or 200 if you take the double-page spreads more slowly).
The publishers suggested I did this project as part of the Operation World suite of prayer materials. Taking the final pre-publication draft of the 2001 Operation World, I extracted this material at the same time as I was compiling OW‘s index. So it’s getting on in years now.
It was designed for a youth market, but since it uses lots of large print, it found a small but enthusiastic following among old ladies. I have also known it being torn up and passed around in large prayer meetings as a way of getting the whole meeting to pray for the globe. I don’t mind this, so long as people buy another copy afterwards. Unfortunately, it’s out of print, so you may have to hunt it down on a second-hand store on the Internet. Or go to the Operation World site and buy one of the updated resources.